تغيير خلفية الموقع

الوضع اليلي

تفعيل الوضع اليلي
منتدى العملات والطوابع العربي

لنستوعب تصنيف العملات المعدنية

هذا موقع أمريكي لتصنيف العملات المعدنية
PCGS Coin Grading Standards

PO-1 Identifiable date and type
FR-2 Mostly worn, though some detail is visible
AG-3 Worn rims but most lettering is readable though worn
G-4 Slightly worn rims, flat detail, peripheral lettering nearly full
Rims complete with flat detail, peripheral lettering full
VG-8 Design worn with slight detail
VG-10 Design worn with slight detail, slightly clearer
F-12 Some deeply recessed areas with detail, all lettering sharp
F-15 Slightly more detail in the recessed areas, all lettering sharp
VF-20 Some definition of detail, all lettering full and sharp
VF-25 Slightly more definition in the detail and lettering
VF-30 Almost complete detail with flat areas
VF-35 Detail is complete but worn with high points flat
EF-40 Detail is complete with most high points slightly flat
EF-45 Detail is complete with some high points flat
EF-45+ Detail is complete with a few high points flat. Superior eye appeal.
AU-50 Full detail with friction over most of the surface, slight flatness on high points
AU-50+ Full detail with friction over most of the surface, very slight flatness on high points. Good eye appeal.
AU-53 Full detail with friction over 1/2 or more of surface, very slight flatness on high points
AU-53+ Full detail with friction on only 1/2 of surface, extremely slight flatness on high points. Positive eye appeal.
AU-55 Full detail with friction on less than 1/2 surface, mainly on high points
AU-55+ Full detail with slight friction on less than 1/2 of surface, on high points. Eye appeal is good.
AU-58 Full detail with only slight friction on the high points
AU-58+ Full detail with the barest trace of friction on the highest points. Superior eye appeal.
MS/PR-60 No wear. May have many heavy marks/hairlines, strike may not be full
MS/PR-61 No wear. Multiple heavy marks/hairlines, strike may not be full
MS/PR-62 No wear. Slightly less marks/hairlines, strike may not be full
MS/PR-62+ No wear. Still slightly above number of marks/hairlines, strike may not be full. Attractive eye appeal for grade.
MS/PR-63 Moderate number/size marks/hairlines, strike may not be full
MS/PR-63+ Average number of marks/hairlines, strike will be close to average. Good eye appeal for grade.
MS/PR-64 Few marks/hairlines or a couple of severe ones, strike should be average or above
MS/PR-64+ Very few marks/hairlines or a couple of heavier ones, strike should be average or above. Superior eye appeal.
MS/PR-65 Minor marks/hairlines though none in focal areas, above average strike
MS/PR-65+ Very minor marks/hairlines though none in focal areas, above average strike and eye appeal
MS/PR-66 Few minor marks/hairlines not in focal areas, good strike
Very few minor marks/hairlines not in focal areas, very good strike with superior eye appeal
MS/PR-67 Virtually as struck with minor imperfections, very well struck
Virtually as struck with very minor imperfections, very well struck with attractive eye appeal
MS/PR-68 Virtually as struck with slight imperfections, slightest weakness of strike allowed
MS/PR-68+ Virtually as struck with very slight imperfections, the strike must be virtually full. Eye appeal must be very good.
MS/PR-69 Virtually as struck with minuscule imperfections, near full strike necessary
MS/PR-70 As struck, with full strike
التعديل الأخير:
PCGS Coin Grading Standards

PO-1 Identifiable date and type
FR-2 Mostly worn, though some detail is visible
AG-3 Worn rims but most lettering is readable though worn
G-4 Slightly worn rims, flat detail, peripheral lettering nearly full
G-6 Rims complete with flat detail, peripheral lettering full
VG-8 Design worn with slight detail
VG-10 Design worn with slight detail, slightly clearer
F-12 Some deeply recessed areas with detail, all lettering sharp
F-15 Slightly more detail in the recessed areas, all lettering sharp
VF-20 Some definition of detail, all lettering full and sharp
VF-25 Slightly more definition in the detail and lettering
VF-30 Almost complete detail with flat areas
VF-35 Detail is complete but worn with high points flat
EF-40 Detail is complete with most high points slightly flat
EF-45 Detail is complete with some high points flat
EF-45+ Detail is complete with a few high points flat. Superior eye appeal.
AU-50 Full detail with friction over most of the surface, slight flatness on high points
AU-50+ Full detail with friction over most of the surface, very slight flatness on high points. Good eye appeal.
AU-53 Full detail with friction over 1/2 or more of surface, very slight flatness on high points
AU-53+ Full detail with friction on only 1/2 of surface, extremely slight flatness on high points. Positive eye appeal.
AU-55 Full detail with friction on less than 1/2 surface, mainly on high points
AU-55+ Full detail with slight friction on less than 1/2 of surface, on high points. Eye appeal is good.
AU-58 Full detail with only slight friction on the high points
AU-58+ Full detail with the barest trace of friction on the highest points. Superior eye appeal.
MS/PR-60 No wear. May have many heavy marks/hairlines, strike may not be full
MS/PR-61 No wear. Multiple heavy marks/hairlines, strike may not be full
MS/PR-62 No wear. Slightly less marks/hairlines, strike may not be full
MS/PR-62+ No wear. Still slightly above number of marks/hairlines, strike may not be full. Attractive eye appeal for grade.
MS/PR-63 Moderate number/size marks/hairlines, strike may not be full
MS/PR-63+ Average number of marks/hairlines, strike will be close to average. Good eye appeal for grade.
MS/PR-64 Few marks/hairlines or a couple of severe ones, strike should be average or above
MS/PR-64+ Very few marks/hairlines or a couple of heavier ones, strike should be average or above. Superior eye appeal.
MS/PR-65 Minor marks/hairlines though none in focal areas, above average strike
MS/PR-65+ Very minor marks/hairlines though none in focal areas, above average strike and eye appeal
MS/PR-66 Few minor marks/hairlines not in focal areas, good strike
MS/PR-66+ Very few minor marks/hairlines not in focal areas, very good strike with superior eye appeal
MS/PR-67 Virtually as struck with minor imperfections, very well struck
MS/PR-67+ Virtually as struck with very minor imperfections, very well struck with attractive eye appeal
MS/PR-68 Virtually as struck with slight imperfections, slightest weakness of strike allowed
MS/PR-68+ Virtually as struck with very slight imperfections, the strike must be virtually full. Eye appeal must be very good.
MS/PR-69 Virtually as struck with minuscule imperfections, near full strike necessary
MS/PR-70 As struck, with full strike​

Great addition to the highly-professional topic Dear Dr., very difficult and hard to recognize (PRACTICAL-WISE) though, especially into the highest levels (i.e. MS-60 - MS-70) & also disputable.! wish to go further to understand it...

Many thanks
الاخ الغالى شكرا لك على المعلومات
الجميلة والاهتمام الرائع منك
السلام عليكم
أخي الفاضل روبرت سلاح
أشكرك جزيل الشكر على المجهود الجبار لأن توصلنا بهده المعلومات القيمة التي تستاهل كل التقدير حول ,تصنيف العملات المعدنية وقد إستفدت من شيئ كنت أتجاهله.وأحيطك علما أنني من هواة العملات القديمة وعضو جديد في هدا المنتدى وأستغل هده الفرصة لأقدم لك وللسادة الخبراء في العملات القديمة قطعة نقدية قديمة وقد قمت بالبحث عنها في العملات القديمة الرومانية واليونانية ولم أجد لها أثر
وعليه أطلب من سيادتكم تزويدي بمعلومات تخص هده القطعة
وهده هي الصورة
ومكتوب عليها وزنها و.......

والشكر الجزيل لك ولجميع أعضاء ومشريفي هدا المنتدى
التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:
مبدع كالعاده اخي روبرت
مشكور مروركم أعزائي
تقبلوا تحياتي
ياعم روبرت انا احبك فى الله **وادعو الله الا يحرمنا معلوماتك المفيدة ***ومجهودك الجميل*
استفسار من أهل الخبرة.

السلام عليكم...أرجو الافادة عن هذه العملة


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انا عندي عملة وفعلا عاوز اقيمها بجد. العملة هيا عز نصره ضرب القسطنطينية عام 1255 سنة الضرب 10مش عارف ارفق صورة ليها بس هيا حالتها كويسة جدا العملة فضة
العملة التانية هيا عملة فرنسية فضة 5 فرانك لعام 1835 للملك لويس فيليب الاول وهيا بردو بحالة جيدة جدا ارجو المساعدة في تقيم العملتين

الأعضاء المتصلون

لا يوجد أعضاء متصلون الآن.

إحصائيات المتصلون

الأعضاء المتصلون
الزوار المتصلون
مجموع الزوار